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Quick, Easy Ways To Boost The Resale Value Of Your Home

When you’re thinking about putting your home on the market, there are several things you can do to boost its value. Yes, you can embark on major renovations, but often the little things that will get you more bang for your buck.

Landscape It

Unkempt trees and bushes are not only an eyesore, they also obscure views, darken interiors, promote mould and can block a good look at a house, not to mention lending the impression that the house overall is as uncared for as the yard. Since great curb appeal is one of the top investments that brings in the biggest return, spend a little money on pruning trees and bushes, weeding gardens and generally making the outdoor space looked loved and inviting.

Take Care Of The Little Things

One of the fastest ways to add significant value to your home is to take care of those little problems that crop up over the course of home ownership and tend to be forgotten. Many buyers are looking for a turn-key home, and whether you bring in professionals or do it yourself, fixing the small issues can be crucial to a sale. That expensive kitchen renovation isn’t going to make a difference in the bathroom pipes are leaking and the house is cold. Focus on the basics – insulate the attic, repair leaks, replace old, rusted eavestroughs, inspect the furnace, add storm windows, etc – it’s minor upgrades like these that can add major value.

Fix Up Your Front Door

Since buyers are proven to make up their mind on a home within the first few moments of being there, starting out with a good first impression is key, and this means a front door way that is inviting, cared for, and secure. Make sure your doorbell is working, there’s an overhang to protect you from the elements, even a fresh coat of paint if the original is cracked and peeling.

Replace flimsy knobs and locks with something more substantial, like a deadbolt and handle-and-lock set.

Gussy Up The Bathroom

Great kitchens and bathrooms top the list of what buyers are looking for, but you don’t always need to make major renovations, especially when new owners may have their own ideas. Replace frosted glass with clear, scrub the grout, remove rust stains, apply fresh caulk, even upgrade doorknobs and cabinet pulls, simple aesthetic changes have the biggest impact.

Upgrade The Storage Situation

A revamped doorway and excellent landscaping are great, but if you have little to no closet space, consider yourself unlucky. Old homes in particular are infamous for their lack of storage, but adding your own solutions to or updating existing closets with systems to make them more functional can make a home more appealing.

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