比翼齊飛共展翅  長天無際同翺翔

恒生地產金牌搭檔 Bonnie & Daniel

詩經《爾雅•釋地》曰:“南方有比翼鳥焉,不比不飛……”。所謂源自巴人比翼鳥的傳說,其實無非是從自然神話的角度,反映出人們對伉儷情深,比翼齊飛的伴侶的一種肯定。結識恒生地產的黃金搭檔Bonnie和Daniel這對伉儷經紀,可謂未見其人,先睹其像。每次看見他們廣告中的照片,男士溫文爾雅,女士嬌媚怡人,我就想:一定是一對頗有情調的夫妻搭檔,單看這像,根底匪淺。在一個冬日的午後,我約訪了這對夫婦,伴著裊裊茶香,這一對地產伉儷的奮鬥之路, 就以畫家李卓夫的詩“羨爾夫妻是畫師,山明水秀顯雄奇。漫漫求索荊榛路,萬裏長空比翼飛。”在眼前徐徐展開。


Bonnie 和Daniel是80年代初期移民至多倫多的。Deniel是香港人,而Bonnie則來自臺灣,在她的身上流淌著努爾哈赤的貴族血統。他們在生活中是一 對和諧的生活伴侶,在事業上是一對比翼齊飛鳥。在恒生地產近24年的創業史中,我們驚嘆地看到,這對伉儷黃金搭檔已經連續23年蟬聯恒生地產總業績“雙” 冠軍。這個“雙”Bonnie解釋說,我們每年得的冠軍並不是靠兩個人的業績總和而得到的,我們是兩個人的業績總和除2而得的。話語中,透露了 Bonnie的自豪與榮耀,坐在一旁的Daniel臉上也露出了欣慰的笑容。



談起工作,Bonnie說,日常工作中,我們分工很嚴格,我負責廣告設計,廣告包括所有文字創意,電腦繪圖,廣角鏡頭攝影,美術排版等,所有這些都不能假 手於人,必須親力親為,同時我也負責策劃室內外所有設計裝潢,包括各項改建,加建工程,維修保養,提升房屋的品質等售前工作,設計不同風格,各具獨特色彩 的夢幻家居。這類裝潢費用豐儉由人,由業主決定。Bonnie說,由1000元的小修到數十萬元的大興土木不等。但通常每一元錢的支出都可為業主帶來2元以 上的回報,而一般售出時間亦會較沒裝修的房子快。

相對Bonnie而言,學工程出身,即有工程師執照及會計師執照,又富人力資源及IT工作經驗的Daniel則更集中精力做先鋒及扮演橋樑的角色,與顧客 溝通,聆聽及達到他們的要求,洞察匯報及敏銳分析市場資訊,建議領先奇謀策略等售前售後服務上。在記者采訪的過程中,Daniel一直在強調“專業”二 字。Daniel說,來加拿大之前,我曾先後從事過會計師、工程師及IT工作,那些工作經歷讓我養成了務實的品格。回憶起入行當初,Daniel感慨地 說,那時其實正是房地產的低潮期,貸款利率百分之二十一,幾乎是加拿大地產史上利率最高的時候。然而正因為這種危機的大潮中也潛在著各種新的機遇與希 望,Daniel夫婦在逆勢中入行,堅守在積累中尋找機會,厚積薄發。

“以誠信為基礎,為客戶提供專業的服務”是他們一直堅持的處世原則,Daniel進而闡述了他長久以來的為商之道。他說在自己的人生歷程裏,無論工作還是 生活,他都是把誠信放在第一位。任何事情都喜歡開誠佈公,把問題拿到桌面上來,努力做到在沒有隱瞞,沒有詭詐的情況下來處理解決。有了誠信,就有了基礎, 就像建房子,根基牢固了,其它一切就相對好說,沒有大錯。但是,這尚存欠缺,對於服務客戶來說,尤其是像房屋這種大商品交易來說,專業知識是必不可少的, 是幫助客戶安家置業的關鍵。


豐富的從業經驗,讓Daniel夫婦有著與客人通力合作的經驗,也有著和對手博弈周旋的歷練。在旁人看來,事事秉持誠信,似乎很難在商場上立足。然而恰恰 相反,Bonnie和Daniel對自己信念的不懈追求和實踐,讓他們取得了成功,也讓他們更確信以誠信來從商才是正確的商業之道。采訪中,Daniel 談起他從業的第一單,不禁感慨萬分。他說,當時那個客戶看了100多個房子,結果是到現在那個客戶也沒買房子。Daniel說,碰到這種客戶也沒辦法,但是在帶領他看房子以及與他溝通的過程中,我也學到了很多專業知識。

越來越多的從業經歷讓Bonnie和Daniel明白,房產交易並不是單純的一買一賣,而需要一系列的售前售後服務,其中更包括除了房產物業的位置、結構、用材等問題外,還必須要知道對房子的保養、維護、維修等大大小小的諸多問題,諸如屋內的管道噪音問題,屋外花園的擋護墻問題等等。也必須要與相關的銀 行、律師、驗屋師打交道。也正因為這些日積月累的服務,讓Bonnie和Daniel發現了成為一名好的地產經紀的重要性,並且對地產行業產生了濃厚的興趣。

Denial說,作為一名經紀,要時刻跟隨客戶的需要提供相應的服務。Daniel說他就碰到過一個很特別的顧客,當時Daniel正在售樓處做一個新樓盤的推介,看見一個穿著夏威夷短褲和T恤的客戶走進來。若憑感覺,這個客戶就像一個正在度假或散步的路過客進來隨便看看,但是Daniel卻熱情地迎了上 去,非常詳細地回答了這位客戶的所有問題,最後這位客戶對Daniel說,好吧,我要買這房子。當Daniel拿出一份offer準備填寫時,那個客戶說 我要三套這個房子。正當驚愕的Daniel為他準備三套offer的時候,那位客戶又指著樓盤旁的空地說那片空地賣嗎?如果賣,我要買兩個房的地。這時 Daniel才從震驚中醒悟過來,急忙去找開發商洽談,然而開發商卻直接拒絕了他,但是Daniel並沒有簡單地放棄,而是與開發商據理力爭,曉之以理, 最後終於說服了開放商,為這位客戶提供土地並按客戶要求蓋房。那次Daniel創下了兩個小時賣了5套房子的記錄。


隨著一批又一批的移民來到多倫多,多市的地產交易也變得越來越活躍。新移民來到一個全新的國度,要安身立命,開枝散葉,首先必須要找到一處安身之所。只有 找到了自己的立腳點,新移民們才有可能繼而生活發展。因此多倫多的房地產交易,一直發展良好。有見及此不少新移民來了之後,經過一段時間的考核,也都投入 了地產行業,成為地產經紀。在過去以香港移民為主體的地產經紀行業,便開始逐漸出現了許許多多來自其他區域移民的身影。然而由於群體的壯大,以至每個地產經紀的處事風格皆有所不同,他們給予客人的服務質素也皆有所不同,地產經紀行業難免良莠不齊。從業初期,Bonnie和Daniel所接觸的客戶大部分都 來自於主流社會。近些年,中國大陸移民蜂擁而至,也開啟了他們為華人客戶服務的新篇章。然而怎樣做,才能為尋求安家置業的來加移民服務好,使他們安家安 心,置業放心呢?Daniel夫婦所秉持的服務客戶的原則就是誠信為本,專業至尊。

一晃20幾年過去了,他們夫婦也成了恒生地產不倒的旗幟。他們每天都將時間花在帶著客戶跑遍大多區的各種居民小區,看房子,看樓花,買進賣出,從住宅到商 業,從老舊住宅到CUSTOM MADE,,經歷了很多,,也學到了很多。他們見證了多倫多地產行市和社區的變化,秉承著自己一貫以誠信為本,專業服務的追求目標,認真學習探索地產市場 的規律,房屋建構知識,及市場交易和行業的法律規章。他們認真地對待每一個case,去了解房產的每一個方面,以及房產所牽扯到的相關法律規定等,務求能 為客戶提供全方位的服務。

Daniel認為作為一名地產經紀最重要的是良好的客戶服務態度。即使由於彼此緣分,而沒有真正做成交易的客人,他們也總是熱心的對其提供建議。他說常常 在半夜都接到諮詢電話,他毫無怨言地給對方一些建議,Daniel認為,為客戶提供一份無私信任和一份無私幫助要勝過任何榮譽。


Bonnie對房產的熱愛,不僅僅在商業上。她自己本身也非常熱衷於研究房子的每一個細節。從房子的美術廣告設計,屋苑外的園藝載植陳設,屋內的裝潢佈 置,甚至傢俱款式和顏色的和諧匹配等等,她都有自己完美主義者的見解,並一絲不茍的熱衷研究。這與她喜歡音樂,熱愛唱歌跳舞,喜歡繪畫藝術有很大關係。特 別是這些年來,她一直在利用業餘時間參加一些慈善演出及活動,也練就了她願意與人分享,樂善好施的品格。


房地產的從業生涯,也讓他們接觸了很多新的家居科技。如電腦遙控偵測監視,遙控冷暖氣及電源等電腦“聰明屋”。他們亦非常欣賞採用新的環保節能設備,諸如 太陽能加熱設備,太陽能光電轉化技術,節水衛浴系統,廢水再利用技術等,他向我們介紹了最近在約克區新建的加拿大綠色環保房屋的一些情況,並著重說明了它 的汙水廢水處理系統和屋頂上太陽能板光電轉化技術和系統。他說加拿大人非常崇尚環保,加拿大也是在世界上領先在房屋建設上引進綠色環保概念並制定綠色房屋 標準的少數國家之一。而且,政府非常鼓勵這些技術的開發應用。同時還為綠色房屋的居住者能夠節省很多水費電費等。Bonnie認為環保家居及“聰明屋”將 會是加國未來新房的發展路向。

在熱愛家居的Daniel夫婦看來,地產經紀應當全方位的去了解自己的“房屋產品“。他自己就曾見過不少對於自己代理的房子都不太了解的經紀。他認為這是 非常不可取的。作為一名地產經紀,良好的客戶服務除了隨時接聽客戶電話,及時給予服務外,也應當了解房子,能夠隨時回答客戶任何一切關於房屋知識的問題。 尤其面向移民的地產經紀更應如此。由於客戶來自另外一個國家,對加拿大的房產,環境皆不甚了解。作為幫助他們尋找安身立命之所的地產經紀更需要給客戶提供 全方位的支援和幫助。而並不是為了促成交易,便利用客戶對加國房產規章的只是局限從而“忽悠”客人。


當記者談到行業不良現象時,Daniel談到了房產市場的道德問題。他認為絕不瞞騙欺詐客人是對一名地產經紀的基本要求。不少地產經紀為了要促成交易,不 惜欺騙顧客。Daniel談到,地產業由於相對入行門檻比較低,因此經紀的素質會出現良莠不齊的局面。Daniel認為地產界,尤其是我們華人地產界建立 一個良好的名聲和秩序是非常重要的。盡管現在市場的競爭引發出很多的負面東西,他還是勸大家有正確的認識,安家立業都是大事,我們要從根本上大局上來看事 情,千萬不要因小失大,貪圖眼前利益,失去根本利益。無論是對經紀還是對客戶,買房賣房,安家置業不是一時的生意,而是一世的態度。真正為客戶提供最優質 的服務,以及幫其找到最理想的家或物業才是市場所真正需要的。

結束了對Bonnie和Daniel的訪問。我看到了一對以誠信為脊椎骨,努力以誠待人,以信為商,以給客人提供最優質,最全面,最穩健的服務,致力於建 立合理公平的優值市場環境的地產伉儷的姿態。追求無止境,磨礪愈精深。匆匆的足跡疊印在他們探索追求事業的征途上,使這對人生伴侶在事業上閃發出多彩的光 芒。看著他們時而對視的真誠目光,讓我想起了一副對聯:“比翼齊飛共展翅,長天無際同翺翔”正是對這倆位伉儷情深的真實寫照,事業的征途上,願他們帶著美 好的情懷比翼齊飛,譜寫更輝煌的事業篇章!


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    You were a incredible help during our recently sold home! The photographs you took were brilliant stunning! Your expertise is second to none. Futhermore, you brought a full sized coach filled with possible buyers to our home for viewin. This is truly amazing! Buring our listing period, we view many offers from other agents. But they weren't able to get the price we desired. Together with yor trememdous connections fo clients, you brought just the right purchaser for our home. Finally it was listed and sold by your own clients, in which we were very satisfied with. Both of you were thorough an thoughtful and we will certainly recommend you to friends & family who are looking for an honest, sincere, experienced and hardworking realtor.


    Hi Bonnie & Daniel - It is my pleasure to provide this testimonial as I am truly grateful for your exceptional services! See below my heart felt appreciation toward you and your team!

    We want to express our deepest gratitude to our amazing realtor Bonnie & Daniel Wan for their exceptional professionalism and expertise throughout our home selling process.

    From the very beginning, Bonnie & Daniel demonstrated an impressive depth of experience and a strategic approach that made all the difference.

    Their end-to-end services were remarkable, ensuring our home was in the best condition possible. From organizing renovations to staging, Bonnie & Daniel managed every details with precision and professionalism, which significantly enhanced our home’s appeal and market readiness.

    Their knowledge of the market and effective negations skills ensured that we were always in the best possible position. We received 10 multiple offers and sold our home in just 11 days, well above the asking price for half a million. We could not be happier with the outcome. Their commitment to excellence and personalized service truly set them apart. We are incredibly grateful for all they have done for us!!

    Thank you Bonnie & Daniel for making this experience so positive and successful!!


    Bonnie & Daniel, we can't find enough compliments to say how much we appreciated your hard work in selling our Bayview Hill property for us. Your ongoing communication with us has been superb, and we felt like you were not only our real estate representative, but a close friend as well. In addition, home renovation can be a very overwhelming process for all home owners. But you two were always one step ahead and provided us with everything we needed without overwhelming us in anyways. It was so impressive seeing a coach of 30 potential home buyers came into my house for showing. This is so fascinated and incredible. We never saw any other agents selling houses like this! I believe this could only be done by your because of the years of experiences and you guys are truly the real estate pioneer of Bayview Hill.

    Within one week after listing, our home was sold for the price above our expectations! We would highly recommend you to anyone either selling or purchasing. You are very passionate and we have found you to be the best real estate agent we have had the please of dealing with. Thanks again for everything you guy did for us and congratulations on a job well done!


    We would like to extend our gratitude for your professionalism and hard work in selling our house in less than one week. We were highly impressed by your knowledge f the local market and key community contacts, which assisted us in selling our house quickly and efficiently. It was a pleasure working with both of you, as you each brought your unique skills and expertise to the table. With Daniel's excellent negotiation skills and Bonnie's keen eye for design and detail, the two of you make the ultimate realtor team.

    We would highly recommend your services to anyone looking to buy or sell !


    I would like to recommend both Daniel and Bonnie for their professionalism in the services they provided us during the sale of our home in Bayview Hill located in Richmond Hill.

    They were both very helpful in assisting us to ensure that we are ready to put our hoe on the market along with their expertise in knowing what our home should be listed at. Can't imagine that they can produce much higher than asking price and more importantly that the sell price is higher that other local agents quoting us!

    Both my husband and I would recommend their services as theya re experts in their field, they were very ethical in how they managed the sale of our home. We have deep impressions of the integrity of Daniel: walking his words. Both Bonnie and Daniel, the # WAN team works very closely at every issue personally. Most definitely we would recommend them to anyone who wants true professionalism, honesty and mostly that they work for the seller.


    Dear Bonne and Dan,

    First of all: THANK YOU BOTH for every way you have helped us accomplish out goal of selling our home for the highest value. When we decided to sell our home, where we have lived for 25 years, we inerviewed 5 real estate agents with signs in our neighborhood. The Wans had far more knowledge, experience, and success in our area than anyone else, wih 22 years in Bayview Hill and over 1000 homes sold -- plus they live here, have raised their chrildren here, and care deeply about our community. We also related to your enthusiatic, tireless, supremely ethical style of work. Our home needed some preperation before listing. Again your expertise in identifying, prioritizing what to do (and what not to do) and even finding an independent contrator to complete the work excellently, on a tight time schedule was amazing. The contractor was as gracious and as tireless as you both, working 16 hour days to finish on budget, on schedule. Also, your community contacts and stellar reputation in the town of Richmond Hill were invaluable in overcoming any issues. Selling any house seems very stressfull, and you were there for us, no matter what time of day (or night), no matter what issue. We never met anyone who works harder than you. Even after our home went under contract, you stayed in touch constantly, communicating and strategizing to ensure completion of the sale in a way which met OUR interest to value our home at the highest possible price. While we noticed other agents lower prices, perhaps to meet their own needs during the process. But the best bonus was far more important than money; as a result of our admiration and joy in working with the Wans, we became friends, a friendship we hope lasts a lifetime. By the way, if we ever have another house to sell, we will choose Dan and Bonnie again, for all the best professional reasons.



    Bonnie and Dan,

    Let me first thank you for working os hard and late to make this sale possible. I first did not appreciate your offer to help and took your honest effort with suspicious.

    You have to understant that after previous two "sales" and countless other agents who decieved us and wasted so much of my time I was hesitant to give try to someone unknown to me.

    I am glad I chose you. I am sorry again for not realizing you as a hard working and outstadning gentleman.

    I appreciate your work and will recommand you two to anyone looking for the house to buy/ sell.