Throwing an open house is one of the things you need to do if you want to sell your home. It is somehow similar to meeting someone you need to impress for the first time, like a potential client or a blind date. You do not know what to expect or who you will be meeting, but you want to make sure they are impressed with what you have to say or do.
The question now is this: What can you do make sure that your house makes a memorable first impression? Here are some helpful tips:
Some potential buyers do not go inside your home immediately. What you want to happen is to capture their attention from the outside. You can achieve this by giving all exterior surfaces a good scrubbing. This is also the perfect time to repaint any exterior walls, fences, and other parts that need fresh paint. Pavements should be coated, too. Your lawn must be trimmed, and the plants must look healthy. Don’t forget to empty your mailbox!
Any junk visible should be stored away properly or better yet, dispose them so as not to dampen the look of your house. At night, it is important to keep the lights on just in case some prospective buyers pass by. Once people see how well maintained your home is from the outside alone, they would be excited to see what is in store for them inside.
Potential buyers can be easily turned off by things that do not tickle their senses – foul odour, a messy corner, cramped spaces, unnecessary noises (e.g. leaky faucets), even a room that’s a little too cold or hot. Prospective buyers look at more than just the physical appeal of a home. You need to please them in every aspect. Before having an open house, make sure to repair everything that needs to be repaired such as showerheads, faucets, loose screws, creaky stairs, and more. It is important to keep all areas of the house tidy. Don’t forget to polish surfaces.
You can open windows to let the fresh air in. Cushions and carpets that smell off should be cleaned or replaced. You should also set the temperature just right. You can also add fresh flowers, bake something, or light scented candles a few hours just before an open house. Proper lighting and subtle, relaxing music also help in soothing senses.
An open house should make prospective buyers feel comfortable, not as if they are stepping inside someone else’s private property. Accessories that are safe for both genders are great to use, but do not overdo it. Some people might not be able to visualize what they can do to a certain room if you have set it up so much. Let them have the ability to imagine their things put in rooms that can be theirs in the future. If you own a lot of things, it is best to store away the unnecessary items so as not to have a cramped home.